My first blog post
December 25th, 2024
I’ve always been an extremely poor writer. I cringe at the thought of someone else reading anything I put together. This blog is my attempt to get better – because I believe the only way to improve is by doing. You try, you fail, you learn. As they say, nothing changes if nothing changes. So (in my Fabrizio Romano voice) - here we go.
On this blog, I’d like to tackle anything that interests me. It’ll likely include my thoughts on sports, the tech industry, and whatever I’m fixated on that day/week. You can expect it to be quite mundane, very boring, and extremely unoriginal.
I do think there’s a certain level of vanity and self-aggrandizement that comes with writing a blog (and, honestly, tweeting too). There’s an inherent assumption that your ideas and thoughts are somehow worth listening to. This is something I really struggle with, as I personally believe we could all stand to know a bit less about each other.
But, in the spirit of self-improvement, I’d like to be more receptive of other people’s thoughts and ideas, and in return be more open with my own. Thus, I’ll do my best to write as honestly and earnestly as possible in my tiny corner of the internet.
Feel free to reach out if you ever want to discuss anything I’ve written (or anything at all). All views and opinions are my own (but are they ever truly our own?).