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Academic Publications

Below is a list of my academic publications, organized by year.


No publications, I came down with a real bad case of senioritis.


"Machine Learning and Causal Approaches to Predict Readmissions and Its Economic Consequences Among Canadian Patients With Heart Disease: Retrospective Study"
Authors: Nguyen K, Rajkumar E, Radic S, Paa J, Geng Q
Journal: JMIR Formative Research
Volume: 7(1), e41725
Description: A hackathon project turned manuscript turned publish paper - a true accident. This retrospective study utilized machine learning and causal inference methods to predict hospital readmissions and assess the associated economic impacts among Canadian heart disease patients. The findings aim to inform strategies for reducing readmission rates and healthcare costs.


No publications…I was 1.

Working Papers

Papers currently in progress or under review.
No working papers at this time. Any profs looking for free labour please please please reach out. I can run simulations, perform data analysis, and most importantly…I’m hella good at grabbing coffee. I’m interested in a wide variety of topics ranging from Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics (and beyond)!